Contents (click a topic to jump to that section)
Welcome, and thank you for visiting my genealogy website. I became interested in genealogy in 2006, and started posting my findings online in the form of a website in 2007. My goal in posting this information is to make contact with cousins and fellow researchers who share these same people in their tree, so that we may work together to further each other's research and build more complete biographies of our relatives. To this end, with this website representing my research database, I have chosen to post the information for each person as a collection of 'facts' in a raw data format.
Please be aware that while the data is sound, this raw format is at times rather unrefined, and often produces output which is choppy and does not read properly as a sentence. I'm hoping that the value of being able to easily get all this information posted, in the hope of reaching relatives and fellow researchers, will outweigh the grammatical errors this method produces. As time permits, I plan to eventually change the format to one of a narrative story for each person. This is a goal that will take some considerable time to fulfill, and unfortunately may be one that ultimately never is fully realized.
While you will find lots of information included here, I've made every attempt to exclude all living people, other than their name possibly being listed in the citations and sources when they have provided me with information regarding a deceased person contained on this website. Should you discover any living person inadvertently included here, please send me an email as soon as possible. In addition, while a person may have lots of information listed here, please don't assume it is all the information I have for them. I encourage you to check with me to see if I may have more information for someone, and to see if we may be able to mutually help each other paint a more complete portrait of that person.
There are a few types of information I do not share. One example is social security numbers. The Social Security Administration has started to reverse their policy of releasing the social security numbers for recently deceased people. They discovered that this was a great source for fraud, and have begun asking the genealogy websites to remove these databases. I have chosen to support this policy, and would encourage you to refrain from sharing and/or publishing the social security numbers of your deceased relatives as well. Photos are another example of something I don't just automatically post publically, but instead share upon request. Should you have interest in the availability of photos for someone we may share in our trees, I encourage you to please check with me.
My Additional Family History Site:
In addition to this site, I also maintain an member tree ( which may include additional and more recently updated information. If you would like access to my Ancestry tree, please send me an email.
Note that in order to view my tree, if you are not already an member, you do need to sign up for a free account consisting of your first name, last name and email address. After completing the sign up, you may wish to review the email settings of your account to limit what sends you.
I want to acknowledge and thank the following people for their help in supplying information and/or photos that I have utilized in this family tree: Thelma Boychuk, Clarence and Margaret Delainey, Gary Hamel, Jamie Danker, Tom Moak, Nathalie Boyer, Caroline Henry, Dan Coffman, Blake Georgie, Mary Robbins, Rose Dascher, Janie Saddoris, Jane Cordisco, Genevieve Netz, Linda Hunt, Barbara Basa, Jimmy Mascaro, Diane Dunning, Kim Powell, Juanita Welty, Richard K. Thompson, Cindy Day, Bobby Wright, Chuck Wright, Amy Lewark and Jeff Schmidt, as well as all the various people who have been kind enough to fulfill Find A Grave photo requests for me. This family tree is better, and more complete, because of them.
Unfortunately, I have no doubt mistakenly overlooked some people who have helped me along the way and deserve to be on this list. If you are one of those people, I sincerely apologize for the oversight, and would welcome you sending me a reminder so that I can properly recognize you here.
Thanks again for stopping by, and enjoy your visit! Please check back periodically as I continue to add people and information. If you have any additional information, challenges or corrections regarding the people you find listed here, or ideas for the website, I would appreciate hearing from you.